Home Remedies for Facial Wrinkles

Natural Cure to combat facial wrinkles.

I suggest some of the many tips and recipes of ancient home remedies for facial wrinkles, practicing our grandmothers, with surprising results:

If you want to prevent wrinkles, stretch out on the face a teaspoon of sweet almond oil or wheat germ oil, rub it with care, leave on for one hour, then rinse with lukewarm mineral water.
Repeat this treatment three times a week, and in no time you will find the best results.
Home remedies for facial wrinkles

If you already have wrinkles and want to minimize them, below are the remedies.

Prepare an infusion with 60 g of poppy flowers dried in a liter of water for 10 minutes.
Let cool and filtered, applied bandages soaked in the lotion on clean face and neck every evening about a week.

Once a week, apply the pulp of an orange on your face let stand for 20-25 minutes.
If your skin is a little oily you can use lemon juice, buffered wrinkles, leave for 15/20 minutes then rinse.

Prepare an infusion by soaking 50 g of flowers and rosemary leaves in a liter of boiling water for 10 minutes every night applied to the face and neck with a cotton pad soaked in lotion.

Boil 20 g of lime blossoms in one liter of water for 2 minutes, let cool and strain the whole face and neck massage.


Pale skin has always been synonymous with beauty and refinement.
Today the taste of the moment alternates season after season or when the autumn clears the tan lines you want to restore the skin of the face on his whiteness, here are three recipes.


1 egg white
Juice of 1 lemon.
Mix the egg white with the lemon juice in a pot that you put in a water bath for a few minutes, beat with a wooden spoon until it becomes creamy, allow to cool and spread on the face.
Leave for 2 hours or in the case throughout the night.


A handful of dried fruit of rosehip
A little honey.
Carefully clean the fresh fruits of wild rose, then roll out the paste on the face and leave it for 2030 minutes after washing your face with warm water.
If you want you can mix the rose hips with a little honey also becomes an extraordinary energy.

Chopped tomatoes
Apply on the face, the chopped tomatoes freshly made, let it dry and then washed with hot water.
Spend an ice cube on your face and gently dried.
The acidity of the tomato has a lightening that helps the skin to reduce the damaging effects of long exposure to the sun.

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